That’s legit the only problem with fishing right now, I don’t get why people call fishing a “bad” system when it’s meant to a side activity that’s not mean to have much effort into it.
In my personal opinion, the best way to improve fishing is to appeal to both those we want a simple side activity and those who want some sort of gameplay.
Maybe make an npc that gives our daily quests to capture certain fish for a lot of money.
Or maybe a npc that gives you a special weapon (a trident or something) or accessory (like a headless) when you collect either like a certain type of fish (like river, lake, or ocean fish) or just the entire fish catalog so people feel like they’re working towards something instead of fishing like a zombie for the tiny ass chance of a sunken.
Or a fishermen faction that if you complete tasks for they give out badges, money, special boats, sailor/fisher like clothes.
Fuck maybe even add fishing in volancos and in deep seas and summoning sea monsters to fight or some shit.
Personally, I don’t think these ideas would fix fishing, but I do think it could add more substance to it.
Fishing is an important source of food and is one of the three types of food in AO, so yes it is still in the game. You can survive without fishing if you do not like it.
I like fishing. It’s a nice change of pace if I get too frustrated. The only problem with it is that sunkens incentivize people to do it over everything else, which just kinda sucks.
Also, stop misusing the word objective. You’re gonna ruin it like people ruined “literally.”
This is stupid. Fishing is fine on its own, it gives meals mentioned above by like 20 people, sunken pity exists which gives a reason to actively fish, why remove a feature when it’s already implemented ( @ClashMaster273), its a side feature for when you are burned out.
This is why vetex added pity
Yay i love wasting my time on the internet making rants that nobody cares about
I already did the math.
Pity farming is way faster than the 1/1333 with a mag rod
Its still a waste of time anyways you can probably get more value in less time and lower rng but hey if you want a sunken with you’re name slapped on it go ahead
Ah shit here we go again
mag collectors is ~30 seconds per cast and luring bronze is ~15 seconds
15 x 3000/ 60/60 = 12.5 hours for pity with the fastest rod
Lets say the average odds for magnetic collectors is ~2000 per catch not including pity here.
16 hours for the average catch
For pity with mag collectors rod is 25 hours
all of this is wom based btw so anything can be different
Also for bait farming you can say it’s easier, because increased currency cap and bounty hunting is a efficient way for money