Is Fusion Magic Gone?

I remember there being talks of some kind of “Fusion Magic” mechanic in the past. Did the idea get scrapped or am I tripping? It would work something like Fire + Earth magic would make Magma magic. Bad example now, since magma magic is a base magic, but obviously it wasn’t one back in Arcane Adventures. I’m asking because I want to make a save file with Paper magic. I feel like I remember paper magic being planned, but would it be a lost magic, ancient magic, or fusion? (maybe the fusion would be something like wood + fire, since thats how you make paper.) Or does it just not exist at all? Thanks in advance.

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Paper was available in wom but not in AO and no fusion magics wont exist since I think it conflicts with the idea of having separate minds instead we can get lost and ancient magics which are advanced forms of some base magics e.g. storm magic

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ya cause that shit doesnt make sense
why the fuck does paper magic exist when wood magic already exists
you literally use wood to make paper
literally a aparaodx

you mean mutations in arcane adventure? i assume it was scrapped because it’d be too much work to add so many magics (balancing nightmare)

Thanks for your help. So is paper going to be a lost magic then?

No,sadly :pensive:

Majority of mutations alr exist or are going to exist as lost/ancient magics

Maybe but I don’t think so

As of right now, we won’t be mutating our magics into new elements like what was planned in Arcane Adventures.
Mutations aren’t exactly scrapped, as multiple of the planned ones are now base or lost magics in Arcane Odyssey.

Instead we will find lost and ancient magic scrolls in the future that we use to learn them.:scroll:

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