Is guilded better than discord?

  • yes
  • no

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this is for people that know about guilded

If they started off with similar popularities it would’ve been better but not enough useful bots

Whats discord

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well, seems like people are saying that it isn’t
but it looks better to me and it has more features than discord.
plus some others are saying it’s better, while most of you are saying it isn’t
i genuinely don’t know which side to be on cuz the opinions i got from people about guilded apart from you guys are like 50/50

lmao gl getting all your friends to gilded

“bro bro plsss install guilded its so good i promise you”

you meet a guy in a game “yo you got gilded?” instead of “whats your discord”

i guess it doesn’t have as many child predators so that’s good?

im only saying yes because they got discourse integration and stuff, but overall i’d rather use discord over it

yeah, an anti firewall for vc? yeaah.


I was testing the VC and it showed this