Is it even worth it trying to get sunken items?

i believe the popular belief as of rn is 1 in 2k, but we havent got any official comment from vetex as far as im aware
if otherwise is true, could someone posts screenshots of that here?

it has been confirmed to be 1/2k

sweet, might try going for sunkens

one of the devs said so? is there any screens of them saying it?

cant find a screenshot of vetex confirming it but it is 1/2000

also the wiki is heavily misleading with the chance of them
1/2000 is for any sunken
1/8000 is for any specific sunken

its hard i only got 2 chestplates and i fished over 1.5k times since AO released…i just need a sword cos i have snow conjurer build

as a conjurer, sunken sword is pretty mid. elius drops, silent blades, and other weapons are kinda better

like 1 aoe move where you have to get close and vulnerable plus a shitty grab that no one uses. even with elius’ spear it’s better because there’s just 1 useless move and the throw can be used at a range and doesn’t make you as likely to be punished

literally everyone says it’s a different fucking number. 1/5000? 1/8000? 1/2000? 1/12000?? just fish and hope you get it. none of these maths are correct

i can explain the different numbers
1/2000 is the chance for any sunken at all
1/8000 is the chance to get a specific sunken, fishing works by rolling 1/2000, if you get the 1 in 2000 roll it runs another 1/4 to decide which item you get out of the 4 (sunken helm, sunken sword, sunken legs, sunken chest)
1/5000 is the chance to get a specific sunken when using magnetic collectors rod (it reduces the one in 2000 but not the 1/4)
and anyone who says 1/12000 is a liar, dont listen to them

and 1/3000 is the pity which means you’re guaranteed a sunken after that long

well i only use sunken sword for :male_sign: fisting :male_sign:
i dont use sunken armor cuz :male_sign: latex :male_sign: armor better for me u know im forum user
so yea try it

Honestly I’d wait for the update to drop that releases better sunken items, rn they are just a trading flex fr

Rn they provide the highest amount of defense and attack size in the game what u mean :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

my god i can’t tell if defensemaxxers should go for argos titanium or sunken armor

Pretty sure it’s sunken but it doesn’t really matter go for titanium it’s easier

I want it for the drip

I mean, my current build hybridizes defense, size, and power using sunken + calvus gear, so it has its uses
yes, you do have to sacrifice some power comparative to the current meta of calvus gear, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its uses (comically large pulsar mage gameplay)

p.s. I swear I’ve seen your name somewhere before. maybe im stupid

My sunken sword… They hard nerfed my boy, and gave it a very bad skill. Just wait for the others skills to come out, right now is outclassed.

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