Is it just me or the people who use this forum are literal snowflakes

Cheese :cheese:

I can sense your reddit mod energy, calm down. Bias in any form is still bad for forums especially if the bias is purely subjective.

noble kinda dead rn


edit: i never gotten so many replies

edit 2: ty for the gold kind stranger

Bias is inherently human and can’t be avoided

:yum: mmmm

legit all moderation short of clear rule breaking is subjective, but it improves the atmosphere of the forums


bias does exist yes but you can take measures to work around it
saying it can’t be avoided is just lazy

skill issue tbh

Anyway even if people took this post as a joke, I may say Beans and H were actually just saying truth, you can’t actually be ironic or sarcastic here as you just get hated or even flagged for it.
Not to mention the gatekeepers and other annoying dudes in this place.

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skill issue h

cheese mmm yes :yum:

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We need a new rule : dont be annoying

gonna say sarcasm is almost impossible to tell online and irony is worse, if you know it’s gonna be controversial don’t expect not to get reported

subjective but that would be nice

Gonna be broken 193881938482 times

Make that rule apply to everyone but me and my homies.

i litteraly made this post because i saw people complain about them getting suspended for saying skill issue

lmao wait what, who