Is Magic Genetic?

Oh shit.
So what, some time after WoM all of the wizards die off, or there’s so few remaining in the world, that they basically have no impact?

I guess? There will be none left in a couple thousand years after WoM, and it’s mostly humanity’s fault, because they killed All of the gods, there is no longer anything to influence magic (make the gene stronger). So as it gets weaker it will be in less and less people until all wizards are gone with the exception of curse users, but even then, I’m sure the peace keeper will destroy them all as more and more are killed, and probably eventually, go into hiding, forever, so magic doesn’t ever get released again

:fearful: me wallowing in self realization that Magic will slowy fade into myth as it did many years before

I know it’s been answered already, but I just don’t understand why Prometheus’ gift to humanity would be able to fade like that.

If we ever really go that far into sequels, maybe one will have one of those insane plots some sequels tend to have where Chaos something closely related to it is involved, somehow spreading magic once again.

Because people with magic and people without magic fuck.

The magic gene gets dilluted and now has less magic

yeah. basic genetics really

It’s because all of the gods are dead, it was never meant to fade away

you fool, this is a good thing.

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