Is Parrying Detrimental to AO?

Not if you used it as a mixup would have been much harder to tell. Learn and adapt before you complain

No. It rewards skill and punishes predictability.

My opinion:

Perfect blocking is detrimental to the game if AO is supposed to be a movespammy “gotta go fast” all-over-the-place combat game that requires insanely fast depth perception to track your opponent to land hits. This is because perfect blocks generally emphasize reaction speed over movement.

Perfect blocking is not detrimental to the game if AO is supposed to have methodical dueling that requires insanely fast reaction time. Once again, this is because perfect blocks emphasize reaction speed over movement.

To all the people saying “skill issue”: I think this is sort of a “problem” with other games, too. Since someone brought up fighting games, there’s apparently some sort of divide over fighting games that have airdashing and fighting games that don’t. Imagine just straight up refusing to play a game because of a single mechanic.

I could tell people who hate perfect blocking to just play another game, but there is no other game for them to play—at least not with the polish and breadth of AO. Maybe they still like lots of other parts of the game, like being able to make custom moves, the ship combat, and the food/potion system.


ye arcane odyssey has a unique combat system that is a combination of a lot of other games. its skills are ‘spammable’ like elemental battlegrounds, but it has dodging making you able to actually avoid spammers. parrying also works into here, as if you can predict the opponents moves and parry every one of their moves while still hitting them with yours, you can easily win a battle. but if the opponent can read you equally well, then youre up for a challenge.

to those who think it detrimental, it isnt, youre just not used to playing a skill spam game that actually needs skill to play correctly. get used to reading and dodging and youll put up a good fight.

Uhm acktually there’s dodging in EB too

i fucking hate it because it basically makes it impossible to play if you have high ping

yes but it’s extremely slow and you literally cant dodge anything with it

yes you can

I use it all the time

then whoever you are fighting has a major skill issue

no I just know how to use the thing well

I also use physical attacks for stun cheese


btw grass + fire/nature solos

crystal is good too

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yup whoever you are fighting literally sucks

or I’m just really good at the game but okay

I would say they’re more like the players of “one shot revolver” games; I think one of them was called “Wild Revolvers”? Anyway, all you can do in that game is roll around for a minor speed boost and shoot people with a hitscan gun for an instakill. You could say that these games don’t require skill because they’re so simple, but you can always get better at aiming.

It’s the same thing for if (hypothetically) perfect blocking was removed: It wouldn’t decrease the skill ceiling―it would divert the skill requirements from reaction speed to aiming.

The only exception to this is when the existence of the mechanics themselves is part of the skill requirement—an example would be memorizing type advantages in Pokemon. If there were 200 Pokemon types and each of them had 50 strong-against types and 50 weak-against types and the combat was real-time instead of turn-based, removing some of the types would be lowering the skill ceiling.

but ao isnt about reaction speed or aiming (because haha big aoe), its about predicting
think of it more like ssbu

if they get phys attack cheesed then they suck

well whatever say what you want but at least we know how OP the starters are

never said that no game dont require skill, all games require some level of skill to do something correctly, ao just needs more than say elemental battlegrounds.

they arent
look at angel, technology, solar and say that they are equally op

the ace up the sleeve + orbital strike mfs in EB

ass hitboxes

meh I guess but orbital strike or the vortex bomb hits different ong

slow cooldowns + ass hitboxes