Is Sailor Fist good with water magic?

The character I’m currently playing has a water theme to him (water magic and a navy guy.) I’m wondering if Sailor fist + water magic would be a good idea, like if it gives positive effects or anything. He’s a Warlock build, so even if I use another fighting style then water will be imbued anyway, but I was thinking Sailor Fist is just better for the flavor of it

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It’s pretty redundant, since both of them give the same status effect and soaked doesn’t have any self synergy. But who knows, it might be pretty fun to play with

Just like how 1 + 1 is 2 I’d imagine Sailor + Water is just a better version of both. Might be redundant, idk I haven’t played w/ Sailor yet (literally only fighting style I haven’t touched), but it wouldn’t be exactly bad either. At worse you just got a slightly different Sailor and at best it’s just an objective upgrade.

You won’t need to worry about missing attacks though

What other fighting style suits water magic more then? I’m avoiding Thermo Fist since I still want to keep the water theme lol

Thermo + Water gives like a scalding/steam effect so it’s not entirely anti-water. Iron leg could work w/ it’s size. Basic can’t go wrong. Boxing meh, rapid currents ig? None really fit as well with water as Sailor Style does.

Hmm, maybe cannon fist since cannons kinda fit with the sailor theme? There since there’re only a handful of fighting styles currently I don’t think there’s a better fit for your theme than sailors

I haven’t used cannon fist much myself, so not sure how good it is

Sailor’s AoE is already fine and you lose damage on Water imbue , would be pretty ass

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best PvE fighting style , insane for sealed chest farming / sinking ships in general w heavy grapeshot or heavy exploding tosses , as far as PvP goes though it really doesn’t bring much to the table

wet water :exploding_head:

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by that do you mean like I lose damage if water magic’s imbued with Sailor Fist or something?

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