Is the Azura Province capable of standing up to Keraxean military might

side character. you have made a valid point about fraudza. i will tolerate you breathing if you run tail and get out of my sight.

Im the Main Character btw

Got a source for this?

I couldn’t care less about who started it, know when the topic is getting derailed and stop doing it.

it’s been knowledge in the discord and ar wiki since like 2016 so :person_shrugging:
you can find tech saying this was his cause of death, which likely isnt decanonised since neither was the section of the AG in the lore doc

Silence yourself, Side Character.

did i mention im the main character? i think i didn’t

poor guy got amnesia

not a source

check again, I went through all his messages mentioning morock, cant find anything stating this

did find this tho

the next person to speak in this thread, is officialy declared to be not straight :fire:


lil man is a bit slow :rofl:
if you learnt how to read, you would realize this is about Morock’s sword, in AA.
Nice try side character.

bros always trying to one up me cuz im always disproving him, but hes always wrong!

Glad to know you aren’t affected by your own poor attempts at stopping people from speaking

Still nothing enforcing your point though, dont change the topic

want me to get you some popcorn?

please and thank you

A post was split to a new topic: Discussion about Morrock Creed

Fraudza spent an entire day getting his ass whooped by Theos. Crazy feat, ammirite?

here you go

(that will be 10 years of your life, no refund)

So nothing to support your false point that the ship broke do to his own power?
How sad
Also tech is talking in reference to the AA comic and AR

Yeah man the woodpeckers got him