Is the Azura Province capable of standing up to Keraxean military might

Thats where the play area quote came from I think

yeah he died cause he couldnt comprehend his own power


fraud, even


Cursebeard’s help was fucking Poseidon and 12 of the strongest curse and magic users in the Seven Seas. Oh wow :astonished: morock used… regular men??!/ what a fraud :sob:

Nah, this woulda made sense but new info from Vetex and the Lore Doc changes actually gives us new clarity. Cursebeard, while strong only killed Prometheus as a result of an entire war going on, in which he was being carried by several gods and deities who thought humans should have magics. Prometheus likely didn’t lose power from making the GFCs, because he didn’t lose any from making regular sea curses, they’re just being formed from what is presumably Chaos. (because that magic’s base raw form)

Okay…? Morock with a curse is stronger than the entire verse, this whole going back in time clause is stupid. Cursebeard literally lived in the Golden Age of Magic, this is likely when “scrolls” (disgusting lore features) were made, Morock lived at a time where mfs were forgetting the fact the earth was once not just 6 clusters.

There is one, but people always find a way to bait me into speaking abt Morock.
(as seen as above) (or i just feel a bit mischievous :3)

low iq bait

Durza got his shit rocked because he realized his power was unable to protect his ass. Where is the Fraudza hate? 4/10 bait, come again with more facts or points next time, little sheep :fire:

I mean if you want you can ask vetex yourself whether Morock was stronger than cursebeard

vetex was replaced by a skinwalker, you can tell when this was, because he said “torren wasn’t canon” :woozy_face: what a nutbag ammirite :woozy_face:

Hey, guys? Do not fucking derail this topic. There are two topics where you can go talk about Morock, go talk about it over there. Better yet, settle this in messages. There is no need to derail this topic for this crap.

spent 20 minutes typing to find allat.
and I didnt even start it.
these npcs dont know im the mc :sob::pray:

side character. you have made a valid point about fraudza. i will tolerate you breathing if you run tail and get out of my sight.

Im the Main Character btw

Got a source for this?

I couldn’t care less about who started it, know when the topic is getting derailed and stop doing it.

it’s been knowledge in the discord and ar wiki since like 2016 so :person_shrugging:
you can find tech saying this was his cause of death, which likely isnt decanonised since neither was the section of the AG in the lore doc

Silence yourself, Side Character.

did i mention im the main character? i think i didn’t

poor guy got amnesia

not a source

check again, I went through all his messages mentioning morock, cant find anything stating this

did find this tho

the next person to speak in this thread, is officialy declared to be not straight :fire:


lil man is a bit slow :rofl:
if you learnt how to read, you would realize this is about Morock’s sword, in AA.
Nice try side character.

bros always trying to one up me cuz im always disproving him, but hes always wrong!