Is the Azura Province capable of standing up to Keraxean military might

Wotan is equal to warren tho

Yeah, but this was done in secret. The Order never anticipated anybody would:

→ Escape from them

→ Get a band of a Curse User, a Royal, A (maybe) Demigod, and a prodigy of lost magic, all in a few months

→ Secretly collaborate the destruction of the weakened Ravennan Army

→ Run away before they’re found

Yeah, their army is called the Bronze Legion, but it’s only comprised of 4,000 men. Their largest fortress, and a populated city were destroyed and they lost their 2 strongest kings to gankers.

This is only because Warren isn’t trying hard enough. If he actually trained, he would have the power to erase an entire sea without really breaking a sweat

Ignoring the fact wotan is one of the strongest people on earth, we are talking about the protector of a kingdom, you think someone with that role would not be trying?

Going back to the point I made about this. Warren didn’t say “I could beat Wotan” he said that he could make Wotan reconsider a war. This means that someone as strong as Wotan thinks that Warren might be able to beat him and his entire army. What that says about Warren I can’t be bothered to think about right now.

Yeah. He’s retired. If you’re a curse user, and your name isn’t Cursebeard, then get your ass back to training dawg

Where did you get that he is retired

he says that in his dialogue in some part of the story

Warren didn’t say he could defeat wotan’s army at all. In fact, Warren himself doesn’t even believe Keraxe can be beaten at all

The actual reason for why Wotan would call the raid off is because if he fought Warren, then he would be severely weakened, which would significantly dampen his speed for making ships. Which would also significantly affect his invasion because his battleships and flagships are made by himself. Not because Asgard would actually lose

This is the reason for why Warren uses this specific wording. He’s not defeating Wotan, he’s setting his plans back by destroying his ships before they can be manned

Not sure if you are disagreeing with me, but if you are, read this part.

However, your interpretation of what he meant is probably more likely what he was actually trying to say

It is an organization that is known for killing off its members at the first sign of failure, I doubt they would care about Ravenna now that Calvus is dead and it is no longer relevant to its plans
Plus they are trying to stay anonymous, I doubt they would attempt war against keraxe :skull:

he means repercussions for his home, azura. he could prob win considering his gfc

Never does he actually say he could beat Wotan in a duel. Again, he uses the specific phrasing “Make him call the raid off”, not “Defeat” nor “Kill”

And knowing Wotan’s powers, it is far more likely fighting Warren would be a major setback to his plans because Warren could destroy the ships needed for the invasion of the other seas, not because Warren is stronger

Also, the previous lines of Warren’s dialogues:
“Indeed… I have had my disagreements with Wotan in the past, and it never ends well for either of us.”
Then the next lines directly exemplify his power
“He is one of the most powerful people I’ve ever met”

Warren is directly comparing himself to Wotan here,
considering it never ends well for the both of them whenever they disagree, and since the next line exemplifies Wotan’s power. Warren is implying that he and Wotan are on a similar scale of power.

They would from Warren alone, he has a Grand Flame curse for gods sake.

debatably grand navy could also be equal to keraxe, since they are a kingdom and likely still have an island they rule as one

No, they definitely still care about Ravenna. I doubt they would just give up a nation such a high population, especially if they are known to extract random civilians. Keraxe is very likely aware of the order, and thats the reason why they are avoiding expansion in the actual sea cluster, and are looking to the Dark Sea.

What…? You do know they could just… defend Ravenna from the shadows?

Bro read the notebooks in the Forest of Masts, more than likely, the Order was trying to START a war.
more than likely, the anonymous sender is an order member, and the Order was paying the Corsairs via the Assassin Syndicate to stay anonymous

The Order was literally experimenting on us, they don’t give a damn about human life.
Once Calvus died, Ravenna became obsolete to them, they have absolutely nothing to gain by defending it.

Expressly stated to be a small nation

The AS and Corsairs were trying to start a war since before Calvus died, indicated by the fact that they only pulled back once they found out the someone had killed Calvus. If the Order wanted to start a war itd be a lot easier to just kill Calvus then this roundabout stuff with the AS and Corsairs.

The testing population in question:
The Curses in Question:
The remaining allies still in Ravenna:
The Military in question:

Ah yes, because the former undisputed hegemon is very small

They can just kidnap random people, they dont need a whole kingdom.

One in a curse user who doesn’t work for them, and one in storage expressly stated to be weak.

We don’t know of any, and they definitely wouldn’t be worth exposing the whole order over.

They don’t need a military, they are a secret organization, not a kingdom

No…? The Order would genuinely be jumped if they tried snatching random children in random countries. Do you think random disappearances aren’t noticed? Iris’ father and that one girl in the mine’s family were both sniped, solely because they were from Ravenna.

The Ravenna Realm’s high military still well works with the Order. The Royal families and Upper Military are both stated to have been entirely complicit and involved with the Order and it’s actions.


In your attempt to spite what I say, I guess you forgot the plot of the game LOL? Order Initiates. Where do you think these people are found? And the Order DOES need militaries working for them, because if they used initiates in public operations, people would realize. The Bronze Legion is a perfect cover for any acts in the Bronze Sea.