“Is the empires update out?” The thread

Inspired off the twitter account “is the heavy update out yet?” i will be posting no until the update releases
Anyway without further to do.

3 days tops til you forget about this


Is the empires update out?

did they release update yet

Guys is it out?

no :C

Could the update in the game created and developed by vetexgames, named Arcane Odyssey, more commonly abbreviated with AO, have the update, where the feature of clans, a group of players, have allowed to be able to build in their claimed island, have released any sooner? maybe even now?

Is the general roadmap only for things that are being added in full release? Or is some being added in this update?

iirc new islands, evander, magic reset, and new fstyle are being added this update

thats just a general review of future content

no :C

No :C

Every masterpiece

Has it’s cheap copy :pensive:

fuck up!

No :C

No :C

No :C

No :C

Mom, are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Mom—mom, are we there yet? Are we theeereee yet?
