Is the human body capitalist or communist?

I got this idea from one of my classmates who said that the body is capitalist. This was during history class.

My classmate said the body was capitalist because the brain profits while the arms and legs do the work.

  • (Closer to) Communist
  • (Closer to) Capitalist
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Communist because in capitalism you can switch companies but here you are stuck under one government

My body…?



(because I’m selling it on the black market)


All the parts of the body are forced to work together for a higher authority, so it is communist.

When the brain profits, the whole body profits. Also the body literally needs the brain to function, so technically the brain is doing all the work.

Capitalist, because the inherent structure of the body and all living things is to be entropic, and to forward entropy in a more efficient way. We consume in great amounts to reduce the energy in a system, even if said process is incredibly slow in our perception of time.
We do the work for entropy, so that it can tear down the higher energy levels in the universe.
Of course, do note that things with high energy want to reduce their energy. Just how entropy works at the baseline; living things merely accelerate that in an efficient way.


WE are selling you on on black market

aint the brain uses up most our energy

like, you/the arms and legs literally cannot live nor function without it

there are other way to get funding for ARMS, calm down

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Your classmate isn’t necessarily wrong but this specific question changes the context. Asking whether or not the body is capitalist or communist implies that you treat the body as a society and determine which type of society it’s more akin to. The body is only capitalist if you view it from the perspective that the body is a “business”.

In regards to the question itself, the body is closer to what everyone thinks of when they hear communism because the body attempts to sustain itself as a whole rather than each individual part working to sustain itself (from each according to his need). But that isn’t quite accurate either. The true idea of communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society, the reason most communist societies ended up as dictatorships was because part of the outlined process to achieving communism was to install a “temporary”(lol) dictator. This is more accurately called “state socialism.”

However, you could argue that the body purely works to sustain the brain rather than to sustain itself as a whole. In that case it’d be something completely different entirely (maybe fascism).

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