Is the third range (Insanity 2) in the Dark Sea even Viable?

Lil hint level 110 criminals don’t tend to be able to outspeed dodges and deal 400 damage per hit

essentially yeah, that’s what people do when it comes to grinding the dark sea

Quite the fair point to bring up…

So all this time… Me exploring these giant skyscraper islands wasnt the true way?

It’s very viable, and in my experience it’s the most efficient if you have a 630 agility set. You don’t even need to fight at all, you can either run from sirens or bait Atlanteans off cliffs and get all their stuff. Just bring healing potions since you’re squishy

i2 is definitely viable if you’re a little smart

i’d recommend it if i1 is easy for you

630… Agiles… Really? How even-

Full agile dromeas gear :sob:

I ahve 0 agility, but ill look into it