Is there a definetive "method" to finding The Epicenter?

Lately I’ve seen around 3 videos of people finding and exploring the epicenter, which intrigued me alot but I am unsure on how they found it…did you all stumble across it through blind luck or did you all figure something out find it 100% guaranteed more or less…

Thank you and have a nice day ‘v’.

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If I’m correct, it can spawn from the moment you enter the Far Reaches and it’s in one of the four general directions. Apart from that I personally don’t think there is a concrete method of finding the Epicenter. Maybe go into insanity range 4 and start circling around the Dark Sea?

People say that the epicentre is spawned when each server is made somewhere in the dark sea, so its basically a lottery draw if you find it or not

theres literally nothing that you can find guaranteed in the dark sea

Apart from finding a lightning bolt on your face


go to the far reaches and start spinning around the entire map

At least 2 per expedition

Legit was on a file without a brig yet, so I was just in insanity 0 range, and I managed to get struck by purple lightning, by red lightning, have 3 separate giant white eyes chase me, run into insanity 1 and take 3k ship damage even tho i turned round immediately, and then have a shadow tornado spawn on my ship before I found ONE island.

Oh yeah I also got struck by lightning on the island too.

All that for my ship to be under 1k hp out of over 10k when I got back to bronze sea with a measly 4 dark sealed chests.

thank you and thank you all!

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