Some dude called me a useless rat because I allowed him to kill me for my 2k bounty on another save,
is there anything I can do really? I know I’m going to be grinded into a paste if i fight back. (also this is basically my fate in every RPG game like this)
not gonna sugarcoat it
youve got your answer then
time to dump my well thought out set, running time
Also 1 thing that was really funny to me, some guy said people “Run like cats” in PVP. he combat logged when i rammed his ship, after he nearly killed mine.
I recommend:
Love gel: land one hit and it disables PVP between you and the ganker, allowing you to leave the game. You can mass produce Pink Apples by just having a single one in a reagent pot by a Farmer’s hut.
Agility will just let you outrun gankers if you have more than them
Swim speed gems: The only way to counter these is to have higher swim speed yourself, and this is a lot less common than agility. You might wanna keep sharkrepel and waterbreathing on hand though.
T5 gale pots: From what I’ve heard, these just blast you way up into the sky, where you can just airstall until the combat tag expires and leave the game. the 10 aeroplast is a pretty steep price just to avoid a ganker though, even with reagent pots.
Or y’know, you could create a monster of a build and just fight back. Most gankers kinda suck at PVP because they only ever practice on targets that don’t know how to fight back. A couple days ago I managed to scare one with 200 pks into leaving even though I was fighting him with a Swim Speed build and subsequently didn’t have any power, defense nor PVP experience.
Can we spar?
I’m also terrible at pvp
Anyways what I do is use the hide-in-caitara-until-they-lose-interest-in-me technique
i would say a big chunk is munera fighters who can’t get a fight. I don’t do pvp elsewhere so those who try to gank likely also aren’t used to fighting in other terrain
fein fein fein fein fein fein fein
Haha wouldn’t it be funny if you shared their user
elysium fiends >
is that the song miku sang
love gel moment
cool yeah tommorow cool yes duel yes cool
ts lowkey creative and funny as hell never thought i could drink a potion and get launched
Tomorrow I cant
I kinda can’t
This month or so