Is thermo warlord actually viable?

Ever since dark sea thermo maintainence has been a pain in the ass and impossible for something like warlord

But I’ve heard that it’s been reverted a little
So is it actually good?

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It’s good if you have the necessary attack speed to maintain heat, otherwise just use basic or sailor for warlord

Figures, I was using malachites for my build and the m1’s were so slow, building up heat was a pain

In pvp tho it’s amazing, allows me to fly all over the place, only downside is that heat just vanishes when I get stuck somewhere

Yeah, I’d recommend having 150-200 attack speed if you plan to go thermolord

Alr my new thermolord build has 132 atk speed, 84 power, 1.7k hp and 9 agility

Is this good enough?

Could be better, but it should do relatively fine

Fine for me, the only problem with it is that if I experience a major lag spike my heat is gone forever

Other than that I love flying through the air and hitting people with striking gale

Thermo lord arguably one of the best builds in the game, its nt rlly busted but its rlly rewarding for players with pretty good skill; aiming and timing, and good move selection because of large move pool and atk spd.

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