Is this a good build (for PvP)

Lightning conjurer

The tempest staff I’m tempted to change to ardent or something because while the damage is good (464 max) I do see myself hitting it less because of the size difference

For my schmitars I think I may switch them back to ardent (once atk speed on weapons is fixed) but we’ll see

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Get rid of the size, run more agil, if you are fine with sacrificing power, run aspeed

10/10 would run again

no speed? agility sucks btw you don’t need it but 100 is fine i guess but the 60 size…

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60 size as in too much or too little? It comes from the archaic modifier my arc sphere has and the Ravenna boots

A good build for what, exactly? PVP? PVE? The Dark Sea? Bounty Hunting?

For PVE, this is pretty good, though I’d reduce the drawback if possible, even if it means lowering other stats. Agility is fun to use and helps you avoid gankers.

For PVP… idk, that’s not my field of expertise. Power and Defense have always been solid, and Agility, while nerfed quite a bit, is still useful.


substats under 80 are perfectly useless, as a lightning conjurer, run mostly speed if possible

Yea PvP probably should’ve mentioned that

Do you think 130 atk speed would be okay?

your build is fine, although the drawback is a bit too high for my liking, but thats not the reason why i give it a 1/10
the real reason is: if you really wanna get a good build you should max out the jewel substats, you dont have that here, 1/10

But they’re all energy regen morencis🧍🏾

Trade attack size for more attack speed

Would 130 be okay :face_holding_back_tears:

so? you should still try and get 10% ER on everything


dat 8% hitting hard :100:

wait are you being fr

i am very fr (me is metagamer okay)
also i dont get it, why would you go for 3% ER when you can invest into coppershroom and luck IV and get 10% ER?
sure it might not make a lot of difference, but its something

8% ER will barely affect anything, not enough to warrant grinding for a luck 4 pot anyway

8% ER wont, but 100% ER/a full set of perfect jewel substats will