Is this a W?

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I’d say yes, but I’ve barely done any trading so… :man_shrugging:

Unless you simp seasonals

Big W real

I wouldnt

L, but there’s no way you would’ve gotten more seasonals

massive fucking L

i made 2 posts saying the same thing. if it was a massive L how come this was the only offer i got?

u got cleaned bro simple as that

i got that sunken sword for free anyway

I used to scam children out of sunkens and boss items, so trust me when I say that this is a massive L.


scam or lowball


L (3 char)

if its such a massive L then why is that the only offer i got when i posted 2 posts over the course of 3 days???

because theres such a miniscule amount of traders now and they are the people most likely to have a large stock of american seasonals, all the people who wouldve offered you way more seasonals are gone

by the time they come back the american seasonals will be worth so much more so i would consider this a W

you’re coping, regular seasonals maaaaaaaaaay get a value boost with time but im 80% sure that they will always be almost “fodder” for trading or just always below the sort of baseline of the most commonly traded item (ex: the baseline now is boss drops and american seasonals are worth less than them, and imo i think they’ll always be like that), so unless they get a demand boost in AO for some reason I don’t see it, plus you could’ve had potentially over a hundred seasonals instead of 45 so you still missed out on tons of profit if they do get a “massive” value boost

its ok bro, we all take L’s at some point


the american accessories were only available for one day and when AO comes out the demand for all of the seasonals will rise because of the urgency of getting as many as you can before the price rises

geniunely cant be arsed to take this any further since you basically neglected everything i said and you seem to just want to be delusional in your own bubble so


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ok bozo ur literally poor :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :skull: :skull: :man_with_gua_pi_mao: