...is this good card?

is friend’s birthday today and cant go buy card so i made one

is good?

i put an entire pack of post it notes on it to cover the $20.

give opinion
pls talk pls



that’s kinda wholesome ngl with those sticky notes but uh…i think you should write money on the back of the sticky notes instead of the front. Cuz now they’re pretty much unusable unless you use em for bookmarks.

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dw i still have another pack of post its

okay, those post-its should be good for notation (valuable for studying etc)

sti c. no t

It seems that you and your keyboard are in a sticky situation

s ic y n o e

oh noes macobre has lost his mindo

i dont have a mind to lsoe

don’t mind him then

t cc y ot e

how high are you…

Money is a safe gift. For my friend’s birthday, I made them a digital card/gif because of quarantine.

That’s nice :nod:

t o e i ts y ck

that sucks…

t s o c k y t n

Ikr it’s crazy

s k i t c n t e o