Is this stats good?

Are these stats good for my Magma Warlock file?

nah thats god awful

i should prob sacrifice some defense for power

my body is crumbling good lord what is this

Um… How do I explain…
You don’t need a jumble of too many stats, just pick 2 or 3 stats and get the gear.
And intentisty, well… How’d u use that in a fight, other than throwing ppl around with wind.
Just switch amplified to strong, see how that goes.

amplified is only good for area denial with gas/liquid magics, unless youre running 1 of those 2 its pretty much useless

Get power scrolls and enchant everything with powerful, remove the current enchants (except for hard maybe if you want to be tanky)

aura/focus, they are a warlock so they got one or the other

sounds reasonable

yeah kinda

  • Amplified SUCKS as an enchant, replace those with powerful because you have so little power
  • grind some sealed chests for gems to socket, anything works here
  • Cernyx amulet is almost always outclassed by fair power or fair defense amulets

oh my god what the fuck

Go for 2 types of stat enchants for your gear , I suggest power and defense mainly because unless you have a gimmick for your playstyle the secondary stats (intensity, attack speed, etc.) are pretty useless.

You could have 2 strong enchant and 3 hard or 2 hard and 3 strong maybe even enchant all of them as hard/strong, the gem stats on the other hand should be either all power or all defense gems. (secondary stats are useless on gems they barely make a difference compared to power and defense gems)

Your choice of armor should depend on what secondary stat (including primary stats) you want, if you want attack speed go for Cernyx gear.

Your stats are decent enough for an early game player (about 20 hours into the game)

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