I kiss my homies on their forehead and tuck them into bed each night, is this to be considered the act of homosexuality?
it’s not gay if you said no homo
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no, do it all the time because i am a good friend
you are not gay
you are now a mother
you’re now a parent
ok no but seriously.
nothing is gay if it does not entail fucking another man or having the desire to fuck another man. full stop.
saw someone call liking picnics gay with a blank fucking face and it changed my life.
what’s so bad about gay anyways, who the fuck cares if you french kiss your homies before bedtime???
I’d know if I had homies to tuck into bed.
Homie Is a homie lol
homies forever
helping each other
still no gay cause you do it for the homies
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The good ending.
homie forever
helping each other
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