Is warden a rushdown oriented class?

you could have put a warning before blasting people’s ears into oblivion :skull:.

thats far from the loudest video i have

i don’t even want to know as to what it is.

warden would be a really strong counter playstyle, missing ur attacks to set up other attacks like mage does wouldn’t suffice because they lose hp over time.( mage will use pulsar or blast to elimate “zones” you can run to in the battle limiting ur options of where u can move to which sets up your offensive package nicely.) Warden would be really good at catching people thoe in endlag and start up and prolly do really good damage. In return thoe setting up offensively would be harder.

this is nothing compared to the crackling AO puts my speakers through sometimes

All i will tell you?

vetex code moment

bro ask after its released

send loudest in dms