Is warren the only living grand fire curse user?

If any inexperienced Magius wizard can use it at lvl 150, then so can Warren who’s much more powerful and experienced.

Wom is not cannon

It is, it just doesn’t happen yet because the current game takes place a month after AA

It is not cannon

source? Besides Vetex already said he’s considering adding flight as a lost spell in the qna so

No he said hover, flight will never be added because it defeats the point of boats

Exactly? He’s not using a spell.

Also you completely ignored the fact that Poseidon is a god

Yeah but he’s using some form of a magic dash.

Well there obviously is otherwise he would have spam dashed to get the death curse?

im thinking that fire based curses all have a tendency to make the user more aggressive since rupin iris and trigno all kinda have anger issues but warren seems pretty chill so that could be a sign he has something else or simply more mastery over his abilities

If it ain’t said by Vetex or Tech it ain’t confirmed.

watch the qna

World of magic is retconned. And even if it weren’t. You can’t compare the two games because world of magic is thousands of years after arcane odyssey

It shows there’s plenty of tools you can use to fly.

Still flying without a curse

How was he even supposed to know morden was going to steal it???

It’s said by several testers and moderators

Shaping your magic is more advanced then using your magic to fly. Even still, Theos was a Mage a thousand years before AA/AO, and yet he can use his magic to fly as well

I’m not rewatching the entire qna to give you a time stamp so fair enough. Nvm I just found it, Arcane Odyssey QnA - YouTube 50:21

Phoenix magic is unique

Plenty? Please tell me where it shows there are plenty of tools. There is one tool that needs to be charged by sitting at a magically polluted Cloud. Which warren definitely did not use because blue flames were visible and he said he used those to fly.

If you can prove that warren was a god that’s perfectly valid.
The only human we’ve seen fly is Theo’s and he was only able to fly due to his phoenix magic which he was the only person to learn as of AA.

The trello described it as yellow/white fire, the only thing special about it is that it has healing properties. There’s no reason why only this specific mutation of fire can fly and no other magic can, besides the naming

It’s gotta be unique considering theos is the only wizard who flies with magic

Not really, we barely see any high level mages like Theos in AA’s story

The technology behind sky skates is just ejecting clouds to propel you, this is pretty obviously replicable with just using your own magic to propel you

If he was the only person to learn it, why would it be a lost magic in AO, the scrolls had to have been written by someone in the war seas.

Also we haven’t even fought many named and powerful humans with magic in AA. Literally just Verdies, Theos, and arguably sage, everyone else had a curse. Marua literally just had a staff if you’re gonna bring him up.