Is WoM Skill-Based?

Torch pvp meta*

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if they could attack via M1 then I would have equipped it :weary:

Imagine m1ing and not just winning by the sheer chaddery of torches

torch op

Yeah, mostly through aiming. But also you need good ping.

55% skill
5% knowledge (I can elaborate)
40% ping

skill issue

:neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

i see

ive changed my mind, wom is kinda skill based

tottaly not a excuse to post this

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To an extent, yes.

happened to me except some skill issued idiot surprise attacked and killed me at level 49, i absolutely clapped him in a fair 1v1. HE WAS FUCKING LEVEL 90 LMFAO.

Thats 110%

this is just what happens when you use a 20 blast spell
its bassicaly free hits


If WoM is skill based why is @Z_Oryion still playing???


damn bro :moyai:

this game is the embodiment of skill based