Island Capture Tutorial

Island Capture Tutorial
effort 3.5 2 quality 3.5 2 reasonability 3.5 2


The addition of an island capturing tutorial


Make it so a tutorial appears whenever you first obtain a claiming flag. Optionally also give all players in a clan a claiming flag as of this change going live so that way new players down the line find it the regular way. While promoting more common knowledge of the flags to existing clan players.

Reason to add/change

Prior to the update most servers would have at least few islands claimed if not all of them. Players would often compete for islands and spark new encounters. Now it is unlikely that you see any islands claimed and if you do its usually only 1-2 likely owned by the same guild.

I actually really do like the flag capturing system but for people outside of the Vetex Discord/Trello bubble they have absolutely no clue on how to capture islands now and it shows. The new cap system is a great addition but I think that it just needs a little more polish. By adding some sort of in-game tutorial about the new capture system I think it would go a long way in helping a lot of players enjoy the new system


I feel like one of the reasons claimed islands are so rare now is that people just don’t care about claiming islands and 90% of the claims from pre-update were just people sailing around the islands for chests.

This definitely wouldn’t hurt, though.

Meh, the island change is not causing people to not take islands solely for the reason that it is a different system, there is also anothet reason which is very simple, taking islands suck for clans now.

If you look at this picture you can see that if a max level clan loses their island (which will only take 3 minutes now) they will lose 360 infamy for their clan, and give 350 away to the other player.

At the same time the amount of infamy gained by having an island is only 20 for harvest island, which means having the island for more than 85 minutes to cancel out the loses. So taking islands is something not even wanted for high level clans.

As a member of “Constelia” the number 1 clan, we are expected to avoid playing unless we are actually good at pvp since a 2nd change was introduced, which is massive loses if you die to another clan member.
All in all clans are really down with these changes, and no one will want to play for infamy, unless we get a full wipe for infamy.

So in conclusion, its a nice feature, but it would be an awfull time to introduce it, unless a wipe for infamy is performed.

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