Island Idea: Crying Isle

I still don’t have the suggester thingy, so for all intents and purposes, this is just me sharing an idea.
Honestly, even if I did put it in suggestions, it’d just be a cool idea I’m sharing posing as a suggestion.

The idea is simple. The island doesn’t show up on maps, there are no charts to this island, nobody speaks of this island, but in the northeastern Nimbus Sea exists a cursed land.
Visually, it’s a giant intricate and battered piece of obsidian. Somewhat like how Frostmill is more of a tall ice sheet than an island.
The island is supposedly an obsidian platform that came in from the Dark Sea after being created by hundreds of years of volcanic activity.

Upon entering the island, you gain insanity 3, and the title at the top says:
“What is wrong with this place?”

The island can be claimed, but it’ll give no infamy, as a bonus though, extracting materials from the island grants Blasted items, and in rare cases, Atlantean essence, or Dark Sea Essentia. Items that you’d normally need to be deep in the Dark Sea for. So the reward is low in infamy, but high in actual loot, so it’s a bit of a selfish keep, fitting for the Dark Sea.

As a wilderness island, it’s a pretty freaky one. Inhabited by crazed ghosts. The world around you is completely unaware that it ever drifted to the Nimbus Sea.

Like Makrinaos, It’d have multiple secrets, including some in claustrophobic tunnels. One secret is in a room in one end of the tunnels, a cursed staff embedded into a rock, staff pictured below.

So, cool island idea?



you just copied mimhere

I always heard of mimhere island being in the dark sea, and having fields of acrimonies and such.
Didn’t even pass my mind while writing this.

Yet another suggestion outside of suggestions.
I do love horror themed islands like akursius keep though so I like it

Did you read the first paragraph? Like I said, even if it was a real suggestion, it’d be more of a cool idea disguised as a suggestion.

“Alright lets head back to Nimbus Sea we got like 1908236501349654 dark sealed.”
Enters through northeastern side.

yes but its funny

Might as well just go and ask Vetex to add global drifting islands that moves to another preset location every so often. If it were to change everyday, it could essentially work as a daily activity to boost player engagement and investment in the story.

@Misinput suggestion out of suggestions

As if.
Bro thinks it’s a suggestion.
Bro didn’t even read the first paragraph. :pensive:

Yes, this is a suggestion.
Too tired of waiting to get accepted into suggestors? Suggest your ideas in balancecord. New island ideas are currently not being accepted.