yes there are other series with this exact same thing but I just wanna bring it up because I wonder how you can live in the AU without worrying of how many unstoppable foes there could be in the universe
Reason why I say “unstoppable” (not actually invincible) is because there are people who are skilled in combat in the AU while possibly having top-notch curse powers with great power, similar to that wood-curse user who could make fleets of ships that could overwhelm even the strongest of foes all because it’s the curse that powers them up to extreme levels. These fleets being able to pretty much conqueror islands without much of an issue nor waste
Or how durza launched that apocalyptic attack and complete ruined the world (which could’ve been done anywhere else and the exact same thing would still happen to the world even without theos unless there was some adrenaline thing going on)
Or how there were people called unknowns which really meant they were the most over-powered (not canon anymore but still interesting imo, but by now they’ve probably been nerfed or removed) and normal people could become one of those unknowns. Knowing the peacekeeper was an unknown and had the power of the absorption curse, imagine the amount of damage other people near similar unknown number (Reason due to Durza ultimate art attack which destroyed the world and he wasn’t even the strongest but most likely he isn’t the most powerful, that was just the most powerful ability that the world offered versus being the strongest and most powerful in general)
imagine how many other people are as unstoppable and overpowered as these characters, I wonder how other people go around with this type of knowledge
edit: Forgot that environment got entirely changed with the dark-sea stuff affecting how weather works, would be wild to live in the AU-world without being in some sort of sky island place and imagine if players existed in AU as an actual person (it’s over for yall civilization)
They cross it out from their mind, they cannot comprehend threats like these. It’s the same reason we go on with our daily routine when global warming and other threats are shitting life, really. They simply accept they can do nothing about it.
How do you go around knowing that there are people in the world able to decide our fate with the same ease that we use to give like on Instagram, by pressing an icon on a screen?
How do you go around knowing that we are constantly on the verge of extinction just because we discovered that we could make something able to destroy our world?
I think they do it the same way we do, by pushing it in the back of their brain because they have more important things to do, such as go to work because they wanna eat.
This video explains a lot:
at least our world don’t got magic

I think the shit powerful people do now is equally as scary as magic (and what’s happening to the environment)
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but hey at least these people don’t got the metal curse cube for infinite money or something idk

though at least tis lit better than having a rogue magic user guy nearly destroy the world almost out of no where and instantly without warning and putting the world into some dark-sea ice-age copy thing
Infinite money?
You think that’s difficult?
If you went back to when the first homo sapiens appeared and made 10k dollars a day end lived until the present, without spending anything of what you gained, you still wouldn’t have even 10% of the capital of the 1% of the richest people in the world.
And about the whole destroy the world thing… Yeah, bad news for you.
By the half of the last century, two groups of people had the arsenal able to destroy the world not one, but multiple times each, imagine now.
And when I say destroy I mean literally make it blow up.
And the whole ability to launch them was delegated to only 2 individuals.
We are literally hanging by a thread.
I think that they are better off in the AU honestly.
At least there there are people willing to protect life and with the ability to do so.
at least that guy with the metal curse cube can make shit free of charge idk bro I still gotta learn about curses
or whatever the metal curse cube even does and tis variants
gold and metal supercurse user gonna be fire
(and I was referring to curse-cubes idk making money glitch or something, can’t wait for the new coin-curse release)
wow I just realised we’re doomposting in quite the literal sense of the word
weapons get deadlier every passing year, whether both physical and virtual, yet magic stays stagnant. if only eradicating… everything insanely overpowered was possible like the Peacekeeper did it.
freedrock solos goku
i aint reading allat but its true
the incomprehensible horrors awaiting anyone who enters the dark sea would like a word
Don’t post that image here 
Always better than certain individuals around.
Better a monster you can recognise right away, than one disguised as a friend.
the order of aesir in question: