Issue Resolved, Mods Shut This Down Please

It’s no secret that this place has its quirks. From arguments on PVP, to doomposting, to random shenanigans too varied to classify. The forum can be a bit messy at times. And under most circumstances, it’s tolerable. Barely so, but it is.

But as of late, we’ve gone into a state of unparalleled degeneracy. This is unacceptable, and unsustainable for the forum’s health. This kind of toxic behavior not only drives away new users, but ones that have been here for a while. It makes some here straight up disgusted to be a part of this fandom—myself included.

The forums is not the place to go to shame people. It’s not the place to post whatever unhinged thoughts enters your heads. Have a filter, damn it. And don’t give me that whiny, pathetic excuse of “ooohhh, I’m just a funny goober, I don’t have a filter”. Yes you do, or you’re just not making an attempt to have one. Show some damn maturity for once in your life and realize that every word you say here is heard. Every post you make is read. And every image you embed is seen.

@DubiousLittleTyp0 , you’re the primary offender here today. Nothing you’ve done has been funny in the slightest. It’s unhinged and stupid. From the copypasta bullying to the banana pregnancy (I cannot believe I just typed that), you’ve been intolerable.

@spicytuna , you’ve also been pretty asinine on what you’ve made as “art”. There comes a point where artistic liberalism cannot cover your repeated strains against the rules of the forum.

I’d give further names, but most others either have far more mild offenses (at least recently), or have asked for help and feedback in being better. For you two, either take a chill pill or take a break.

TL;DR: to those here making garbage you know to be degenerate—stop. To everyone else—call these people out and report them if they continue.

Thank you. And have a good night, all.



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i try my best to not overshare but i just love doing it

I’m just gonna say it here…

Spicytuna’s art… Is peak.



also did i do anything wrong (i try to keep at least SOME sort of filter ok?)

I don’t care too much about the goobly doobly art, but that’s just me.
it’s either Spicytuna which is actually kinda good in my unprofessional opinion, or it’s pregnant banana which is like… only happening because of how audibly you dislike it. I’m doing it right by not caring, because that’ll make it go away faster.

there was definitely some kind of peak in them

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RIGHT?!?! (complete sentence)

i’m not sure you understood what i meant

Can’t believe I almost contributed to degeneracy with that Bridget art.

i DID!

I agree you’re all dumbasses I’m the only smart one

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You’re sometimes irritating. That’s not the topic of this conversation, here I’m talking about genuine problems that affect a large part of the forum.

You’re fine.

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you are a boltzmann brain floating in a void and thus you are not just the only smart one, but the only one


did i do anything wrong (please say yes)

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There’s a faster way than even this. It’s called calling out the crap and having them get their act together, else face moderator action. Which, chances are, Typ0 may be facing regardless after today.

The whole “don’t react” thing works for an annoying sibling or a casual bully. When the behavior is repeated, then it becomes clear that another solution is needed.

Don’t feed the trolls. “You’re not funny” works better. Rebellion is fun.