It has been awhileeee (Lucy introduction)

been awhile since I’ve actually posted artwork lol
work has been terrible cus we were short staffed around September at my job but I’m on a slow start to drawing again since we got like 8 new hires lol. I’m hoping to finish at least one other antagonist and work on a halloween and winter art piece =D … maybe!!! If I’m motivated =D!!!
Sooo yeah onto Lucy…

:acid_magic_var2: Introducing Lucy ??? in her Purple Acid alter - Level 1-100 form :acid_magic_var2:

Lucy is a dark wizard who walks about the whispering forests. Initially being trained to be a skilled warrior by her parents, they ended up abandoning her after bandits terrorized the village she grew up in. After that, she lived on her own as sort of a lone wolf. She portrayed a morbidly tainted water magic called acid after mercilessly defeating a group of traveling guards after they gave her a burning scar on her left upper cheek once they caught her for questioning regarding the town incident. Since then she taken a liking of defeating various magic council guards, aggressively burning them as much as they did to her. She is a bad rep and wears a small black bow on the left side of her head, given by a child she met as she grew up before her demise during the village incident.

Known to primarily Alaleans, she’s brutal but quiet, always showing a cold face, especially to those who support the council. She doesn’t hide her love of defeating them. However, getting to know Lucy personally, she displays small hints at being a reasonably affectionate and compassionate person underneath.

:acid_magic_var2: Facts :acid_magic_var2:
She is a Scorpio and her favorite season is Autumn

More information, a new picture and new facts will be posted for Lucy when more WoM updates come, for now I’ll be working on introducing various characters in the future. :slight_smile:


getting all kinds of people coming back, this is sick


ur art looks really good

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uh oh . . . I’m gonna lose my number 2 spot (welcome back!)

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Your reign is over, macobre.


no, wait-

i don’t know if I should. anymore

Welcome back! Miss you :grin:

I see a slight change in your art. Love the details and gleam.

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More people coming back, ez.

I feel like this image is so familiar, but I’m not sure where from

Do you have a real life job? I can’t really relate to that since I’m not even in college yet.

Edit: Oh wait…

I’m so stupid.


Look like a gender bent of my character, his name is Kulvir Grey
How epic if Lucy is Kulvir sister


Ayy it’s good to have you back!

macobre might be a little worried now though :sweat_smile:

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my-my hard work . . .

Oh god that hair shading, you are destroying my ego :frcryin:

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I don’t know who you are, but this art is HOT… :nod:

Enough to make Tobi explode. :explosion_magic:


(10 characters)


is it just me or did I read that wrong

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That depends what you read it as lol

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welcome back, that is some really nice art!