Item Security Measures

Item Security Measures
effort 3.666666666666667 3 quality 4.0 3 reasonability 4.333333333333333 6

I am going to be honest, candid, and probably a bit of a scrub: Will we see another case of the acrimony duping… “Problem” …happening again with something else?

I understand as much as the next person a “life goes on” mentality when it comes to things like updates, bugs, and cheaters in a Roblox game. However, the recent deletion of not just the ones duped by bad actors but all of the acromonies gave me pause. Don’t know if I just speak for myself, but when I play a online game, I play it with the implicit understanding unless otherwise stated that my time spent acquiring things to enjoy it won’t go belly-up so easily. Sure, the game could be scrapped even tomorrow, but I don’t want to feel like I have to hold my breath, expecting that.

Please, if you are not doing so already, Implement a stronger way to track, log, and/or backup items. I know what little free time you have to invest into the things you already want to do for and with the game, but this is important. If I, for one, start to really feel like my overall data is not safe from exploiters, bugs, or updates, I probably wouldn’t bother playing the game I spent time and money on any more and cut my losses… Like many probably already have.


Didnt tech say they’re working on a rollback system?

It would have been nicer to have a rollback system before adding game mechanics that give easy avenues for exploiters to break the economy.


please, yes, losing 3 legitemately chest-obtained acrimonies is DREADFUL

losing 8 legit acrimonies, then getting my galleons wiped from 500k to 250k, but not before losing 3 sunkens swords and a sunken staff to the nimbussy wipe fucking sucks

This is more of an idea than a suggestion…



Relying on us to constantly take pictures of our entire inventory before a bug or exploit does a “-wucky” on our stuff, combined with the fact this is a roblox game and things like this are to be expected, a good plan that does not make. If Vetex is trying to make a rollback system, it would make sense to first have a way for people with perms to see what needs rolling back.

I would argue that the lack of gameplay integrity was what killed Arcane Adventures in the first place, because the core framework of the game was not able to adapt to roblox shoe-horning Filtering Enabled. This was mainly implemented to prevent people from impacting servers with localscript exploits, which were coincidentally starting to make the game unbearable to play; as a result, it died.

Not trying to be a debbie doomsayer. It would be wonderful if the game has a system that people can depend on, and it would suck if Vetex did a wipe on all the headlesses or Lfish scales (again) just because a small handful of people were able to dupe them.

This is a :st3: game, qol is not allowed here!

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this is vague but pretty damn important considering it questions the point of grinding shit when it could possibly get wiped all because of people duping, which i don’t think should be a concern at all that justifies wipes (hence why i don’t even grind in this game to begin with + the grind being ass)

okay, so what if someone got a bajillion sunkens and put them up for sale for insanely high prices? who the hell is going to afford that? and common sense should tell people to not accept oddly generous trades like a sunken for 500 coconuts

jokes about vetex not understanding qol is funny. giving a 1-star rating to a suggestion regarding a serious issue is not funny

It wasnt supposed to be funny vro I just dont think has a chance to be added

Honestly, yeah. I have little hope for it becoming a thing; However it is a very reasonable thing to add to any game of this type (especially a roblox one) under the fiery warmth of the sun.

Pictures don’t matter bro, I don’t think anyone got restored for the sunkens wipe even if they had proof like the glitched weapon in their toolbar.

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