because ever since AO release, i have not seen a SINGLE false ban due to the chest anti cheat, i have seen it happen to other anti cheat though, such as mentionned previously: item exploit, dark sea exploit, etc
and the chest exploit hasn’t changed since AO release and as far i’m concerned, it is impossible to trigger it without using exploit, even with 10kms ping
naturally of course i can’t tell you why its impossible to, its not like i can explain how it works (because i will get smited if i do)
id say mass unban but resetting every banned person data is the way that it will work since exploiting has been heavily damaged, and with exploiters scared of exploiting on games like these they will rarely do it, ive met only 1 exploiter once last year when i spent alot of time playing the game for around 5-7 months.
now how vetex will reset permban peoples data idk
also gpo did this and reset every perm banned people mythical and some other stuff idk, it worked for them
Oh, alright I’m beat. Gg. There was a lot of information I didn’t have access to which you did. Have a good day
Who are the 14-karats? During the time I played, I was mainly a solo player occasionally joining twitch streamers who were playing AO with viewers. So I didn’t know much and still don’t know many people in the clan community.
I’ve had multiple times where my roblox game has lagged so badly everything was frozen for over 10 minutes, lately I’ve been playing games that are not in the MMO genre and more towards the melee PVP and the FPS genre’s, since I wouldn’t lose out on much if I either die or disconnect and just need to either rejoin or leave the game, and I don’t need to worry about chests/crates to deliver before I leave the game.
I honestly feel bad for you because telling people one thing and no one (the mods) believing you has gotta be the worst thing ever
I do hope you get unbanned but the mods insist you did actually exploit which I’m really not sure about at all… the competency of the ao mod team is dubious at best a lot of the time
It’s guilty until proven innocent I guess.
is this a catchphrase or a really unfortunate chain of typos
I thiught you had edited the quotes until i actually looked
Just a guess (and I know you can’t respond) but I’m assuming that it takes the tick() or os.time whenever you open a chest, alongside recording the players position so that the server can validate whether or not the player was in the correct position at that time? And along that, I’m assuming that mods can see a log of this and similar data, to double-check when players get reported?
nope, its not complex, but its not that
intentional, its just a pun I do by reflex now, it takes actual thoughts to write it properly when i have something formal to write in english, which doesn’t happen often considering almost all my formal messages are done in french anyways
albeit maybe i should’ve wrote it as been when using the saying? i was thinking if i should use bean or been for that
you know really i was looking into his account because this topic seemed awfully familiar and its the same person who does this topic every few months and by coincidence (not) i’m often in his past thread explaining how he wasn’t false banned
is this just him farming attention, i don’t get it
ah well correction, he made a post similar to this over a year ago, so this makes it twice, back when mimhere was still around, funny
i hope this is the last time though, it probably won’t but whatever
i think we’ve seen him log on clash of clan like once or twice since he left, so there’s that i guess
the 180 was really funny to witness though
wait what happened to mimhere
I wouldn’t be making these Topics if I were lying. I have to make a new one if one gets closed, and the other two were closed manually.