It's christmas! and I want to do something fun

I’ve snooped around the forum, I know why you’re asking…

But well, nope! while I do not know everything you’ve done here. from what I’ve seen. you’re a nice forumer to have around!

Yeah uh, I don’t really know what else to say! =p

Thanks cause people are cussing at me for no reason.

put a watermelon under the tree

Add this

Also add me as the top of the treee


No add countryhumans on top of the tree

Actually this is better

Btw what was the best moment for the forums this year

countryhumans final answer



Alright, I’ll probably start making the image in a hour or two. so, submit your suggestions before it’s too late!

oh, and I might as well use this reply for something else… what Christmas tree should I use?

I’ve been looking around, and there is a little problem with the trees not being spacious enough for a good image (half of them are in somebody’s house, like this one)

But, I found a few Christmas tree images that are very spacious. and in the outdoors! my only problem is… I can’t pick which one to use…

Here are the images

So, I’m gonna make a poll for these images. and everyone here can decide which one I should use!

Christmas Tree Options
  • Christmas Tree 1
  • Christmas Tree 2
  • Christmas Tree 3

0 voters

add countryhumans

Well, the poll only got one vote. I think I’ll wait for another hour and see the results!

wht poll

Add this

You’ve requested that like, 3 times. you must really want that!

I’m probably gonna crop the image down a bit to have the least amount of background.


Give me a countryhuman on the tree

But-but-but, magic boom boom!

I’m gonna make magic go boom!

And I’m gonna make you boom if you don’t stop suggesting that