It's Me, E. Glitch

Ik, but it’s fine by me

Gl surviving people who fight back ( you won’t)

Idk about that, cause I win most fights, plus idek why you were expecting me to have the best set up or something


Not to have the best but something that works in the meta if your pvping

I typically don’t pvp, mostly pve, plus it won’t even matter soon since AO, level reset, and better stuff with the revamp

u should replace ur exiled helmet woth Wizard hat or sunken helmet

My Exiled helmet is higher level than sunken, and gives better stats (Also I’m already using a wizard hat)

Want free crowns or smth lol

Nah, I’m fine

Yeah still doesn’t mean you can sharpen skills in wom


When lightning strikes and a tornado forms in the middle of Ironport

Fuck you (Biggest mistake)

The magic size and knockback :skull:

More refined but casting speed?

sunken gives better stats at the same level, if you got a helmet i suggest you use that if its not enchanted with forceful swift or strength

Ah alright, thanks

Nimble where
