It's Me, E. Glitch

Majority of you probably have no idea who I am, but with more than 10k views on my WOM videos, I’m sure atleast one of you know?.. :point_right: :point_left:
I’m a fire magic user in World of Magic, and I’ve been playing Vetex’s games back when Arcane Adventures was popping, since it was a big part of my childhood. Despite not making much videos on WOM lately due to not knowing much else to do (I made two parts (One/Two) of things to do while waiting on Arcane Odyssey, which basically carried my channel). Other than that, atm I’m max level and have been trying to get the best items I can for when the revamp comes, and of course I’m gonna buy early access when it comes, cause the game’s been the funnest thing I’ve played on Roblox, and playing something I find fun would make good content. When AO releases, I plan to get poison as a second magic, partly because I like the thought of igniting the poison clouds. Other than that, thanks for reading, and I’m looking forward to AO!

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I don’t watch really any Roblox YouTube so nope, don’t know who you are, but welcome back onto the forums my guy. Best items I’d recommend for AO are sunkens and boss drops, since sunkens are sunkens and boss drops will be converted into who knows what. Everything else will likely just be outdated when AO drops and will basically just be garbage.

make sure not to macro :nod:


Thanks for the recommendations. Only things I have are sunken helmet/boots and Vastira, which I don’t even use the armor since it gives stats I don’t want

Still just nice to have them. I’m pretty sure my lowest quantity of a single boss item is the Vastira since I only got 3 of, luckily two are Strong though. Doesn’t take much effort to get some, just do some boss hunting here and there and you should be set for AO. :poggers2:

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Yee! I actually got the sunken stuff from someone I traded the headless head for. So I’m just keeping it since I’m sure it’ll be atleast decent in AO. :poggerfish:

You traded a headless for a sunken helmet and boots? Do you have another one? :skull:

NOPE!! I sorta regret trading it but it’s cosmetic anyway

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Well it’s not the worse trade I’ve seen for a headless, that honor goes to myself, but damn. You could have gotten a Strong Sunken Sword with that. Still, oh well, you’ll manage just fine.

I mean it’s not like you traded a headless for a strong oathkeeper like I did :frcryin:

:frpensive: The Oathkeeper is fun though right?

Hello there

Before the nerf, yes, it was fun.

Not anymore

new idea for things to do while waiting for AO to come out:
shitpost on the forums

Mmmm, bleed

people will try to tell you there’s literally anything in the game worth a headless but if I remember correctly, its never coming back.
To me its a ‘get whatever the hell you want for free’ card.

Bro this was me. I was gonna murk you after you killed a hot winder. Ill gank anyone if they make the slightest mistake now :joy:

Fish was referring to my guild naval, we were more active when i made that comment but if you check guild lb you ll see it


i sent the second worst trade for one, i traded a few shitty enchant boss drops for a headless and the other dude accepted
i traded it away later like a dumbass though

LOL. Well, tomorrow I’m planning to drop a part 3. Sort of not part three, but it’s basically things you should do before AO is released, rather than just stuff to pass time, cause I’ve run out of ideas for that. Would’ve done it today but my brother and his friends are loud :frpensive:

Well, just did a trade even better. Someone offered me The Exiled helmet and a bunch of other stuff if I gave them my dull magic size amulet (I accepted)

New happiness

Goofy set :skull: