I saw this in the art hub too, thought the drawing of Morden looked really nice!
Looks like a good movie
mordius is real…
He really said Its mording time
Then he mord’d all over the place
making me wonder what morden’s curse form is gonna look like.
I mean on one hand, sure, it could be like most other curses where its essentially a bunch of particles replacing his body.
on the other hand he could just become the grim reaper.
This is my favourite
i loved the part where he said “its mording time” and morded all over the place
I love that scene where Neviro says “IT’S NEVIRING TIME” then starts fighting Morden
ok this is funny
Where are the bats
Morbius had bat minions right?
Morden turns into Mordus and mords all over Julian
I have two sides.
Get away Iris… I’m beginning to Mord…
I like it when Morden said “its mordin time!” and morded all over Julian
im scared