Its Raining Somewhere Else

Rain is often referencing to tears.

Morden isn’t crying now. Not here. Not with you.

But somewhere in Silent Ire, there’s a Samurai who just discovered his affinity for Magic, but fails to acknowledge the unintended consequences until the damage has already been done. He weeps… And the rain falls.

But somewhere in Frostmill, on top of a high cliff overlooking the Bronze Sea, there’s a mage fueled by hatred for a mighty kingdom because they killed her father and took him away from her. She weeps… And the rain falls.

But somewhere in Sailors Lodge there’s a captain who hopes to become a strong pirate… But he could never do so. And he weeps… And the rain falls.

But somewhere in Akursius Keep, in a tower resides a ghost, who, after decades of wandering around, is still unable to leave the mortal realm, having forgotten who he himself is, he can only wait for someone to come by, but nobody ever visits that place. He weeps… And the rain falls.

But somewhere in Mount Othrys, in a Temple, there’s a deceased god whose withering soul is all that remains from what he once was. He weeps… And the rain falls.

And yet… Theres a certain escaped prisoner from the Order of Aesir who, despite what it seems like, has no actual free will, being controlled by a mind behind the fourth wall, their every action, the good or bad, not being in their control in the slightest.

They dont weep.

And yet, the rain still falls.

So remember to bring them an umbrella, even when its not raining.

Because its raining somewhere else.

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thats actually where i got it from

I didn’t mean it as an insult I just thought it was fitting.

This is really lovely!

it wasnt meant as an insult

This is a great story, a land torn by war only causes sorrow.

youre a seasoned writer, doesnt that mean you can do better?

That’s not how writing works.

I could attempt to do better sure, but what would be the point in that?

Anyways I think its a good story even if it isn’t in #writing:advanced-writing