It's Time

oh he’s a roblox anime game dev :skull:

I mean I guess if it’s making him money, gotta respect the hustle

not even a dev hes a “community manager”

ah yes the job that isn’t really even a job

2023-02-22 (9)

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bro wtf happened to patrick :skull:

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2022-12-13 (5)

We’re definitely gonna get some more OLEGs in here (and probably some pedophiles can’t forget those guys)

omg eclipse LGBTQ+ confirmed!1!?1!?1!1?11!

how did you know it was eclipse

did i post this before

nice you got me


(My real secret is that I have super-vision on the molecular level and am currently spectating you in your house from California as we speak, watching absolutely every single move you think or dare to make.)

roblox landlord