Ive finally done it

After, I was trying to see if I could get any more AO related stuff but it just ended up combining words together

Its 11:25 PM, and the date us 3/10/2024. I refuse to believe this is real, in fact, I say this has to be a fever dream. Is this a fever dream?

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what ur seeing is real

How did you do it?

first I made roblox then one day I randomly combined Roblox and City to make Roblox. I tried making Arcane by doing magic + arcade but that didn’t work. Another time I randomly combined Arcade with Robloxia to make Arcadeia. I tried combining this with Magic and it actually made Arcane. so I went ahead and added it to roblox to make Arcane Adventures.
For Odyssey, I tried making Odysseus but I kept getting Zeus for every single greek related combination I tried. at that point i just gave up and looked up “how to make Odysseyeus in infinite craft” instead I found how to make Odyssey so I combined it with Arcane Adventures to make Arcane Odyssey