I've noticed a plot hole caused by the storyline revamp

it’s going to get overwritten

I’m thinking they’re more magically evolved because they’re in a constant state of war. I mean in our history many technological advancements were made for war purposes and during wartime.

So it’s not too far fetched to say that because the kingdoms in the War Seas are constantly fighting, they’re also in a constant “magic race,” where each kingdom tries to one up the other. And when one kingdom makes a major advancement, the others scramble to replicated it. Rinse and repeat and you’ve got super fast magic development.

Plus maybe they weren’t fully affected by Durza’s apocalypse attack (we need an official name for that man). It says they’re made up of kingdoms, so they could have bigger collections of people, rather than being more tribal.

Maybe the Seven Seas have the strongest wizards (Theos, Cursebeard, PK, Durza, Valencia, all the Curse users) while the War Seas have stronger wizards on average?


durza’s :arrow_left::desert_island: :boom::boom: :desert_island::arrow_right:


WoM IS canon, all the events still happened but were just being thrown back to Y1857, and since it’s the War Seas it’s probably way more advanced than the Seven Seas, the seven seas felt really cut off from the rest of the world so that’s probably why magic is different

Oh my gosh. Vetex replied to this post…


war seas close to Mount Olympus

seven seas technology restricted by AG so we can assume that war seas is more technologically advanced than the latter + war seas = competition = technological advancement because competition

that also means children being able to manifest mutations as their first mind



:fr: bruh

fack uoy

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I wonder why 99% of the posts that show up in the suggested topics are from nearly a year ago, if not over a year ago.
Even if they haven’t been necro’d.

I know that there’s newer posts that I haven’t read than these.