It isn’t clearly stated, but Ivoris castle is supposed to be the biggest in-game castle and be on, surprise surprise, Ivoris, so I’m pretty sure this is it
(Complete sentence)
Oh, what nice imagery that is!
Thats a disney castle
Oh, our computers are fucked.
Nah we good. There is low ammount of props
another skyship has hit Ivoris castle
“Sir, they hit the guard towers”
Morden! Morden! Turn on Juraserva news! THEY HIT THE SKY KINGDOM CAPITAL
This is a peak quotables moment
am i the only one who doesnt like how the city looks? it just looks like a pancake, for being a sky island, its not super grand or anything. I was kinda expecting a bit more difference in elevation, the island as a whole looks super bland (aside from the castle). I love the builds and the city, but the terrain is just so mid
AO fans trying to not complain about something level impossible
im in awe man hats off to the builders and vetex
Holy shit that look fucking cool af
me when 100% of the time I see something new is on the forums:
does look flat now that you mention it, still im so tired of Sameria I cant wait for a change of scenery
I get what people are on
Mickey pulled Disneyland into the sky and became racist
yeah honestly it looks kind of generic but still really cool building
Disney’s greed transcends our reality