JJK Toji warlord build

Best character of the series aside aside from nanami mr employee of the month and jogoat

This cheerful thug is literally me

Originally considering boxing for the tp dash but 200 agility basic is probably closer to the real thing being able to dodge not only attacks but also fatherly responsibilities and overdue child support payments

Suggest build ideas ig

  • high power
  • whatever defence he got turned into the apple logo but oh well
  • 200 agi
  • 100+ attack speed
  • some size idc either basic has pretty decent size affinity’’’’
can sacrifice the armored enchant and frozen mods for more power/aspeed.

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can also throw in arcanium bracelet for even more power but would need aspeed rebalance’’’’

And if we dont need defence at all:’’’’
Can get more aspeed through modifiers, or sack the power enchant for it.

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