Joan-posting (a topic where bnt talks about their oc to ease their boredom)

the masculinity is throwing it off for me though

why does he reminds me of one character from chainsaw man manga.

which one

oh yeah, joan has friends/rivals now!! they’re also girls and a part of canon aa character’s crew because why fucking not


(middle one)

  • she is in trigno’s crew/mantle pirates
  • pretty friendly. the mood-maker. usually the meditator with cold-blooded tendencies. just a silly ol’ lass
  • and she’s pretty open about herself. she somehow can fit her own life stories to tell in a lot of situations. but somehow, she doesn’t seem to be pretty bothered—if someone decided to use what she’s told about herself against her, she might be able to make them sound stupid for even digging that up to use against her
  • can and will break someone’s skull with fists. she also prefers using guns
  • shorter than the two other girls but pretty bulky. can snap joan like a twig


(the :chill: emote lass)

  • she is in averill’s crew/shining pirates
  • she appears to be a big goofster who enjoys teasing and joking around with the crew members. self-proclaimed silly (i’d call all of the three silly, but lilian is the only one self-aware enough to call herself silly)
  • seemingly at random times, she’d be just some sad awkward lass. she could still do her job, just pretty miserable to look at in some way.
  • but overall, she’s pretty expressive. if she’s sad or happy, you can tell from miles away. she spills a lot about herself, although she feels otherwise
  • magic user. idk which magic but if it allows her to flaunt that shit around then fuck yeah

Joan’s thoughts about/relationships with the other two


  • joan likes her. she’s nice.
  • esther is the meditator between joan and lilian


  • annoying.
  • “I don’t know her.”



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Oh okay

joan n lilian (they call themselves rivals and not friends, but they act somewhat familiar/friendly around each other. tho they wouldn’t hesitate beating the shit out of each other)


i thought i might as well draw joan in different expressions, bc i’ve been drawing her with either default or pissed-off face

more common expressions for joan. joan’s expressions are generally reserved lol

like the most expressive parts are probably her glare, or her very subtle mouth movements

  • default. self-explanatory. not happy nor sad. just doing like the usual
  • pissed-off. also self-explanatory. she just gives the target of her wrath a glare. if you have the time to notice this expression, you probably have the time to run the fuck away or defend yourself. it’s probably the only warning you’ll get before you get stabbed
  • sad/nervous. the expressiveness on this one depends on how shaken she’s gotten. her gaze would seem more unfocused than usual, or she just straight up looks away
  • “happy”. there’s a quotation bc it’s mostly her acting happy just to be polite. don’t think too much if she’s smiling just to be polite or if she’s actually grateful for whatever just happened

now time for the rarer expressions!! maybe except for the eyes-closed one. since i don’t think i’ll draw her with her eyes closed often

  • eyes closed. self-explanatory. she’s either sleeping or blinking or doing whatever that needs her eyes shut
  • flustered. yeah joan can get :flushed: at times too. she has a type but i might talk about it later
  • weeping. yeah, joan does cry. it doesn’t happen very often. most of the time it’s silent weeping, though. she just cries for a few moments, wipes tears, then snaps back to her default expression
  • genuine joy. probably the rarest expression out of these four. no more polite smile.



time to draw em with their captains

(please do note that my characters are just fan characters)


so has anyone asked why the dude has stitches all over him?

Joan is a girl

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pardon me, dudette*

rough past

is he like frankenstein


probably not, likely just scarred, maybe had some close calls with death when she was younger, obviously just seen some shit, idk though I’m not BNT (sadly :pensive:)

yeah its more of that

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It would be funny if joan was like some kind of person where their limbs got stitched back together and in an ironic sense kinda turned into a lego person since AO is based in a lego game and I am just rambling nonsense

does this convey the aura of a character who’s fucked up. in some way.
if she does then im glad the fucked up energy is radiating from this doodle
