Journey to 5 Million Galleons

why he caked

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Uhh this is the Grand Navy Tax Department it seems that you’re overdue on a few payments.

sorry i’m a tax evader

Ah understandable but I’ll have to note that down. What Warring Sea do you reside in?

I live over in the 4th Sea :slightly_smiling_face:

High command said I can call in Adkins once per month if we were ‘desperate’ idk what that entails but I’ve not hit the red button before.
Launch the vice-admiral.

(sir, isn’t that your address, I think you just may have just caused issues for your own home)

Thank you for the heads up! I’ll make sure he’s given his proper bribe to look the other way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

UPDATE: Had to run and hide from the Gravy deciding that “taxes” needed to be paid.

On the other hand, I got and sold a Sunken Sword and Staff, and breached the 3,333,333 mark!

nice, i got a sunken staff while fishing for legendary fish in the dark sea an hour ago and nearly had a stroke (its the second sunken i’ve ever caught, my first was SW legs)

update: popped a luck 3 to unload sealeds from that DS run with and decided to fish with it, immediately got a warrior helm (that SI helm is one i traded for btw, i dont count it towards my caught count)

Holy!!! Nice stuff!

I diagnose you with chronically online on the hit roblox gaem known as “Arcane Odyssey”, please pay 500,000 galleons to Cirrus Island family hospital or else you will die in 2 days.

Damn, healthcare is really expensive in the Arcane Universe.

magic heart cancer is actually horrid. i don’t have an image but i think it was like use a spell and you pretty much kill yourself (AA planed thing IIRC)

Final Update Tonight: Managed to breach into the 3.5 mil mark! Keeping steady progress! May slow over the next couple days, since I do a lot of work on the weekends. Still! Steady as she goes!

The quest continues…

Like I thought, not a lot of time today! Had a bunch of work, and a clan event. Also, I tried to join 2 luck parties, but both were cancelled! (one for lack of interest, the other just couldn’t find a server???)

I did get a few trades, but I only got like 60k gals from it so far.

bro is going to have enough money to buy the whole of bronze sea

bro will be able to buy a frigate