Julian or revon, call it

Here’s the line off the wiki

Dialogue on the wiki is usually accurate but if thats not enough you can just go find this guy in game, his name’s right there so it shouldnt be too hard

Oh, yea the previous commenter is correct then, if the Ravenna Realm follows a medieval European hereditary next descendant inheritance then his eldest child would become monarch, however would be put under a regency

im pretty sure that if calvus dies while his heirs are still too young to take the throne then revon would be the next in line

My logic was that Neviro was royalty and as such still gets a little treatment to not be hunted down as harsh. He would likely explain stuff to revon or call some kind of peace treaty being of royalty.

His former royal status is why he’s getting hunted down

but he would at least get an audience rather than instant death

Considering the objective is to wipe out any heirs of winterveil I doubt he would. At best I think Revon might interrogate him to figure out anything about the mc and that would be the only shot he has to talk with him, but if someone like Julian were to catch him I wouldn’t be surprised if he were killed on sight.

Im pretty sure an npc mentions Revon actually ditched Ravenna.

King Julian for the win