Jumping into random people's brig cabins

time to find more brigs
its even funnier when they don’t notice you’re in their cabin until after they set sail


being a wholesome stowaway just taking a nappie

i did this too a guy who was hunting my bounty lmao, he messaged me “fair warnings” that he was hunting me and i think i told him “good luck”


now that i realized the brig has a gem rack

…i wanna display the chaos emeralds now


I think they still may be bugged. I’ve tried but I can’t interact with them.

I would no joke accidentally sail you into the dark sea lol

you have to stand next to it then hold the gem (or just re-equip the gem)

they also cant be crafted gems

Weird, I’ve tried that but no prompt comes up.

rare gems exotic ones do not work

Those are the ones I’ve used.

you also cannot be sailing

new challenge: hide in someone’s brig for as long as you can before they notice you’re inside

I was today years old when I realized that you can “hang up” your gemstones on a rack.

but dont do it as of this patch, I did manage to place them (the rare gems) but they just wont appear and is a waste in the end

also i forgot to check logs lemme do that later :sob:

o h

Pog, will adding exotic gems to the rack work in the future you think?

had a funny moment when bounty hunting.

(streamable link: https://streamable.com/trtbh5)

speaking of the topic:

I’ll try and be a stowaway
on a LB player’s brig o7

I suppose so since right now theres no prompt for exotics