Just a little tip for when your character is full and you need to eat

You want to eat to get a buff but your character is full? Just drink some tasty seawater!

EDIT: You obtain seawater just by filling empty bottles (you find those commonly throught random chests), go underwater and just spam click until you have all your bottles full.


Wow, not sure why I’d never though of this a use for it. Thanks for the tip

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what if you have like 800 hunger bar? Do you just drink 36 seawater?


In that case, prepare to drink a lot of seawater…

Bro is about to drink an entire ocean just for that regenerationV 5 minute buff

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worth it

some people get that 1h long regen IV shit

I’d trade a sunken for 100 of those fr

I don’t think it works anymore, have tried it just now but my hunger capacity isn’t increasing
Am I doing it wrong lol I’m drinking seawater everytime my hunger bar is full and then it goes down by 20 points then when I eat it just caps it at 106 or 100

then wait 3 minutes and eat when you are at 99 hunger

badlands chugs the ocean moment

lmao glad im not the only one who thought about that

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What jacket u wearing on ur back?

This is the item

Where did u get it from?

random armor chest i think

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