Just a quick question so i don't embarrass myself

how many stats is it possible to get a “good” amount of at the same time currently? two? three? four? just checking since i don’t pvp so i don’t know, and i want to make sure before i say something

3 for example power, attack speed, defense, 4 is too stretched out I think, and 2 might be too little

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thanks, i thought so

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I once made a build with as many stats as possible

did each one have a remarkable effect

Well yes if by remarkable you mean +0.5% size or +5 damage

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optical finally gave a good answer, but honestly i feel like in the current meta people are more focus to run as much power and defense (or atleast enough to have 1.9K to 2K hp, maybe 1.8K if u feel confident) and still comfortably deal over 220 dmg, while substats just seem like a side effect of their armor

u can go on a substat build, i run 200 intensity and atk speed, with 85 power but i only have 1.6K hp, might be close to 1.7K but i dont remember the exact hp, unless u plan to get good, ur gonna have a hard time to win, im a light conj and i see people atk as fast if not faster than me, and i find that as bs on how i sacrifice dmg and size for more speed while they get no downsides

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yea, this is my main problem with how stats work right now. having diminishing returns makes sense so people don’t just break the game with extreme numbers, but we’re able to reach the soft cap on too many stats at once, resulting in some builds just having no downsides or weaknesses

i agree, but that not my point, why non light conj atk faster than me

power, defense and 2 substats can work out if you have the right gear but you might be a little behind others in terms of damage or hp

i have 5 :sunglasses:
well sorta 4.5 since i have low invest in the fifth but it’s unironically kind of a banger
(this is on my min-maxed file i use for ganking)

basically it doesn’t matter imo as long as u have good power and defense

erm actually

ahhh the one you always use on are pee

whats the build

i fought arpee exactly once idk what ur tlaking about

secret hehe


it has power and defense

I know this is off topic but I don’t understand how these builds work. I’m a mage… have 100+ power… and there are times when my surge spell does 0 damage. Literally just eats up my energy with no payoff. Then my placed spell randomly shrinks? Even if I invest in size and charge it, it becomes tiny… AND even after all that most of my spells don’t even reach 200 dmg… Like do I have to change my class or something? The other classes hit for over 300 damage no charge and it’s like an instant hit… I don’t get what the payoff is for being a mage and investing all my points into magic. I have no defense and negative regen but the dmg and size sucks plus the endlag like hello?

in spell settings you can change size

  1. Surge damage scales with target closeness
  2. There was a bug that made attack size make your attacks smaller (lol)
  3. With 100 your attacks SHOULD be hitting for a lot…? Try reducing the size, and changing shapes.

It’s still very common to use 4+ stats, for example I know that Crabisbuilding at some point used size, speed, power, and defense, along with some intensity (I think just from amelia cloak), for his shadow conj