Just a teeensy tiny little suggestion (ranged m1 character turning)

Just a teeensy tiny little suggestion (ranged m1 character turning)
effort 4.5 4 quality 4.5 4 reasonability 5.0 5


Basically, your character should always turn to face fully away from the camera whenever you fire a ranged weapon’s m1.

Details/background on your proposal

It’s entirely as the suggestion says. Whenever you click to fire your ranged weapon, you should always turn to face fully away from the camera in the split second before firing.

Reason to add/change

The reason I suggest to add this tiny change is because ranged m1s are an absolute nightmare to aim when you aren’t using mouse lock. If your character isn’t facing roughly straight forward, the bullet will most likely end up missing your target. As someone who doesn’t like playing with mouse lock but wants to play a gun focused build, this is a huge deal.

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Is this like an issue with where the projectile spawns from influencing the actual path it takes toward the target destination or does it straight up offset it from the mouse a little bit?

make projectiles actually follow the cursor

The bullet spawns from the barrel of the gun, so if You’re standing sideways to what You’re aiming at, the bullet literally changes it’s path, and will miss the target even if it’s walking straight towards You

A rebound enchantment would actually be cool to have for ranged weapons

why make it an enchant instead of the default standard…

Like we have this for blocking attacks, why not make it so holding right click turns the character. Or have mouselock where the character always looks at the mouse.

I don’t really understand how this works, what do you mean to turn face fully away from the camara when you shoot a ranged weapon m1, i really don’t understand

when you shoot your gun or bow, this suggestion would have your character turn their back to where your camera is so that you can properly aim the shot without needing to be in mouse lock, since otherwise the bullet can go way off where you aimed it

it used to be that your character always faced away from the camera when in wom while you were holding a weapon, this was changed for some reason and I don’t know why


yeah but it dosen’t really help with aiming…?

if you click right on someone but you’re facing to the side, the bullet can miss where you were aiming at and sail past them instead

this suggestion helps with aiming by preventing that problem

OOOH okaaay now i undertsnand,

Ok upvote

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