Just a theory

In WOM, as soon as your character is “born” you are asked to choose a magic. After choosing a magic you spawn into some sort of town with your magic at your disposal. We can assume from strictly looking at the character, they are a teen or older and have only just now discovered their magic. Unless we have an entire life behind us with the use of our magic, we cannot strictly prove that currently. So, I will continue with the knowledge that we are simply a teen who had just discovered our magic. After basically taking control of our character from a random point in time (We assume they had a life before we created this character), we are found with a magic that we discovered through some way. Only when we take control of this human, however, we are granted with the powers to upgrade our magic. I would enjoy to see something in AO something that would allow us to see our background, maybe we have set parents and a basic lifestyle set to us, whether we choose to become evil or good may still be up to us. Just to have some basic background however, it would be cool to see simple items in our set inventory based on our background. This change will be a cool RNG way when creating our characters in AO. If you have any thoughts on this, please respond.
@Cookie_God (I’m a big fan)

You could post it here AO Ideas Trello
I do think that would be cool to see in ao, I also think that you should be able to write your own backstory.

We are sadly just another amnesiac in AO


I don’t think having a family is possible because I’m pretty sure the protagonist is like a dead person or something

cool idea but in execution it would just be really annoying for people who want a specific magic.

Why is this in writing?

we an orphan in ao

the way humans in AO reproduce is by just suddenly spawning into existence

that’s why you don’t see children or parents in AO

That was aa

oh ok

well what are we in AO

just normal people?

isnt that like a huge plot point in ao’s story since we just wake up on an island with no memory about who we are


huh, now that you mention it, yeah…

okay so that means we could very well be “zombie” people who maybe floated all the way to the warseas?

i dont think so, if that was the case our character would be revived the same time peacekeeper did, and ao happens a month after durza’s defeat

so we’re just sus normal people…

wait back to my older point, why are there no kids in AO? or parents? like I’m serious


Roblox probably wouldn’t like the idea of you being able to vaporize and destroy kids in one of their games

okay but who says we have to fight the kids

like why can’t they just be town npcs with quests or something

Because it’s a game ._. It’s nothing deep like children not existing or something

not an excuse for less immersion

I mean we don’t need kids in AO but it would be a nice feature

Idk, development wise i think there is just no reason to take an extra step and make an npc a kid if a random adult would work just fine

but i do agree on the immersion part

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